2889 North Plainview Rd Walcott, IA 52773 US
Get My QuoteFREE Safe at the front desknFree High Speed Wireless InternetnJacuzzi SuitesnIn-Room TV Expanded Cable HBO, HBO2, HBO3, ESPN, ESPN2, CNNnTruck Stop nearbynRestaurant nearbynFree Daybreak Deluxe BreakfastnDogs only allowed Fee applynMall 15 milesn3 Casinos 15 milesnHealth Fitness Center/Golf 15 milesnTruck/RV ParkingnOutside OutletsnQuad City Airport 25 miles
Property Amenities
- Outdoor parking
- Parking
- Patrolled parking area
- Truck parking
- Bus parking
- Ramp access
- Public areas wheelchair accessible for disabled
- Vibrating pillows available
- Visual alarms in hallways
- Visual alarms in public areas
- Wheel chair access
- Restaurant/bar menus available in 14pt print
- Restaurant/bar menus available in Braille
- Service animals allowed on property for people with disabilities
- Service dogs allowed
- Does hotel have accessible parking?
- 2nd lock on guest doors
- Accessible facilities
- Accessible room
- Audible alarms in hallways
- Audible alarms in public areas
- Pets allowed
- Pantry
- Welcome gift
- Uniformed security
- Staff trained in first aid
- Staff trained in service to disabled guests
- Sprinklers in hallways
- Sprinklers in public areas
- Staff proficient in sign language
- Staff Red Cross certified in CPR
- Staff trained in Automated External Defibrillator (AED) usage
- Staff trained in CPR
- Controlled access to parking
- Complimentary in-room coffee or tea
- Doctor on call
- Basic medical equipment on-site
- Parking area attendants
- Private security available
- Multiple exits on each floor
- Property has elevators
- Public address system
- Video cameras at entrance
- U.S. Fire Safety compliant
- Video cameras in hallways
- Telephone
- Video cameras in public areas
- Well lighted exit signs
- Wheelchair accessible elevators
- Video surveillance of parking
- Video surveillance recorded 24 hrs a day
- Vending machines
- Viedo surveillance monitored 24 hrs a day
- Wide corridors
- Ventilated stair wells
- Wide entrance
- Wide restaurant entrance
- Security
- Staff trained in duplicate key issue
- Security 24 hours/day
- Response time (minutes) from fire/police department
- Steps/staircases have color markings
- Steps/staircases have handrails
- Smoke detector in public areas
- Storage space
- Tactile/14pt print signage throughout hotel
- Exterior doors (except lobby entrance) require key access at night
- Extra adult charge
- Extra child charge
- Fire detectors in hallways
- Elevator auto recall
- Fire detectors in public areas
- Extra person charge for rollaway use
- Fire extinguishers
- Fire extinguishers in hallways
- Lighted parking area
- Fire extinguishers in public areas
- Hard wired smoke detectors
- Hotel has fire safety measures in place but does not meet a national fire safety standard
- Lighted walkways
- Emergency back-up generators
- Evacuation drills
- Fireplace
- Hearing induction loop system installed
- First aid available
- First nighters’ kit
- Ice machine
- FEMA approved
- Frequency of evacuation drills
- If no 24 hour security, what are the hours?
- Fire alarm
- Complies with Local/State/Federal fire laws
- Alarms continuously monitored
- Camera monitoring parking area 24 hrs
- Camera recording parking area 24 hrs
- Beauty shop/salon
- Building meets all current local, state and country building codes
- Auto link to fire station
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on-site
- Automatic fire doors
Meeting Facilities
- Meeting rooms
- Wireless internet connection in public areas
- High speed internet access for laptop in public areas
- High speed internet connection
Guest Room
- Safe
- Secured floors
- Emergency instructions in pictorial form
- Maid service
- Connecting rooms
Guest Bathroom
- Grab bars in bathroom
- Cups/glassware
- Accommodations have bath in bedroom
- Air conditioning