2177 West North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 US
Get My QuoteUpscale newly renovated hotel with award winning staff at your service.
Full service hotel located between the airport and downtown Salt Lake City. Hotel offers free high speed wireless internet. Hotel public areas are fully accessible. Complimentary indoor and outdoor parking available.
Property Amenities
- Outdoor parking
- Recreational vehicle parking
- Indoor parking
- Accessible parking
- Bus parking
Fitness Facilities
- Outdoor pool
- Spa
- Golf
- Health club
- Phone services
- Wireless internet connection in public areas
- High speed internet access for laptop in public areas
- Multilingual staff
- Photocopy center
- Sprinklers in hallways
- Sprinklers in public areas
- Folios
- Housekeeping – daily
- Fax service
- Express check-in
- Express check-out
- Front desk
- Laundry/Valet service
- Complimentary in-room coffee or tea
- Complimentary newspaper delivered to room
- Dry cleaning
- Business services
- Baggage hold
- Property has elevators
- U.S. Fire Safety compliant
- Train access
- Security
- Security 24 hours/day
- Stairwells
- Smoke detector in hallways
- Smoke detector in public areas
- Elevators
- Ice machine
- FEMA approved
- Coin operated laundry
- Adapted room doors
- ATM/Cash machine
- 24-hour front desk
- Business center
Meeting Facilities
- Meeting rooms
- Banquet facilities
- Public areas wheelchair accessible for disabled
- Visual emergency alarm for hearing impaired guest
- Telephone for hearing impaired
- Wheel chair access
- Width/diameter of wheelchair turning space in bathroom
- Width/diameter of wheelchair turning space in lobby/reception area
- Elevators have Braille Instructions
- Emergency exit signs in Braille
- Accessible facilities
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance
- Brailed elevators
- Audible emergency alarm for sight impaired guest
- Wakeup service
- Restaurant
- Room service
- Hot breakfast
- Lounges/bars
Guest Bathroom
- Roll-in shower area with bathroom seat
- Grab bars in bathroom
- Air conditioning