Van Der Valk De Bijhorst
Zijdeweg 54 Wassenaar, 2245 BZ NL
- 4 miles from KPN
- 4 miles from Logica CMG
- 4 miles from Nederlands Congres Centre
- 6 miles from Ordina
- 4 miles from TNT
- 3 miles from Haagse hoge school
- 6 miles from International court house
- 4 miles from Nationale Nederlanden
- 6 miles from Parlement
- 3 miles from Fugro
- 6 miles from Reed Elsevier
- 6 miles from Shell
- 4 miles from Siemens
Van der Valk hotel Bijhorst is a four star hotel is Wassenaar near The Hague. Our hotel is a nice hotel for business and leisure. The Hague is the third city of the Netherlands this city is famous of his beach scheveningen congress center several crime courts Piece palace. Also big companies are settled near The Hague Shell Siemens KPN are examples some examples