AC by Marriott Hotel La Finca
P° del Club Deportivo, 1. Ed. 17. Parque Empresari Pozuelo De Alarcón, 28223 ES
- 2.3 miles from Campo de Golf Somosaguas
- 3.6 miles from Hospital Universitario Quirón
- 3.4 miles from ESIC Business and Marketing School
- 6 miles from Hospital de Montepríncipe
- 2.2 miles from Campus Universitario Somosaguas
- 4 miles from Ciudad de la Imagen
- 1.5 miles from Centro Comercial Zoco de Pozuelo
- 7.3 miles from Zoo Aquarium de Madrid
- 2.5 miles from Prado del Rey
- 15 miles from Madrid
From the moment you step in the newly renovated AC Hotel La Finca you will feel a seamless experience. Located in an exclusive neighborhood in Pozuelo de Alarcón, at one of the most important Business Parks of Madrid, La Finca, you just have to go behind our iconic crystal façade and feel a lifestyle world, a frictionless hotel that fulfill your needs. Discover the heart of the hotel: the AC Lounge, with temporary limited schedule, a sleek but purposeful spot , perfect for working at any of the areas or just feed your social media with our Free Wi-Fi internet...