Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott Idaho Falls

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Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott Idaho Falls

1293 West Broadway Idaho Falls, ID 83402 US

  • 1 miles from Down Town Idaho Falls
  • 90 miles from Grand Teton National Park
  • 3 miles from Idaho Falls LDS Temple
  • 80 miles from Jackson Hole
  • 24.6 miles from Yellowstone Bear World
  • 109 miles from Yellowstone National Park

Come enjoy your stay at Fairfield by Marriott Idaho Falls. Our pet friendly hotel Idaho Falls features all the amenities you’ll love like our Grab & Go breakfast, Wi-Fi, indoor pool, and knowledgeable, friendly service. If you are looking for a romantic getaway or a family event, our beautiful deluxe spa suites are just right for you. Step outside to discover the convenience of our Marriott Yellowstone National Park– a short drive away– also nearby Grand Teton National Park, Craters of the Moon, and the Great Snake River Greenbelt. Also be sure to check out attractions like the Museum of...

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