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No. 24-12-10-117, Beidahu Ski Resort Jilin, JL 132224 CN

  • 54 miles from Jilin Songhua Lake National Scenic Area

Discover Jilin and stay at Holiday Inn Jilin Beidahu. nConveniently located at No. 24 12 10 117,Beidaihu Ski Resort, Jilin city, Jilin province and it is 120 KM from Changchun Longjia International Airport. It is close to attractions like National 4A Scenic Spot Beida Kettler Ski Resort. Travel easily to other parts of the city with the nearby highway G1212 and 3205 or readily available taxis in the neighborhood.nHoliday Inn Jilin Beidahu guestrooms all feature flat screen televisions, satellite channels and high speed Internet access. You can ski at the hotel ski resort, work out at a modern fitness center,...

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