The Thousand Kyoto
570 Higashi Shiokoji cho Shimogyo-ku Kyoto, 26 6008216 JP
- 0 miles from JR Kyoto Station
Address 570 Higashi Shiokojicho Shimogyoku Kyoto 6008216 Japan nPhone number 81753541000 nNunmber of floors 1floor below groud 9 floors above ground Pariking lot approximately 50 carsnRooms 222 Rooms nRestaurant Cafe and Bar Italian Japanese Restaurant nBanquet Large Banquet Hall Medium Banquet Hall Small Banquet Rooms nWedding Chapel Waiting room Wedding salon Costume salon nother Spa Fitness Hair and Makeup Salon Flower shop Exchange Smoking room nnTo view the cleanliness policy for this property please visit the property page listed on