GuestHouse Rochester

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GuestHouse Rochester

435 16th Avenue Northwest Rochester, MN 55901 US

  • 10 miles from Stewartville
  • 10 miles from Kasson
  • 8 miles from Byron
  • 80 miles from Saint Paul
  • 40 miles from Albert Lea
  • 40 miles from Winona
  • 0 miles from Rochester
  • 80 miles from La Crosse
  • 80 miles from Minneapolis
  • 40 miles from Austin

The GuestHouse Inn & Suites Rochester provides travelers complimentary hot breakfast, free wireless Internet access, and free shuttle service to and from the Mayo Clinic facilities. Connected to our Mayo Clinic hotel is our very own onsite restaurant, Famous Dave's Bar-B-Que which also provides room service. Enjoy our large indoor pool and relax in the whirlpool while your kids play under the waterfall at this standout amongst hotels in Rochester, MN. Guests appreciate our convenient location near a variety of attractions and one of the country's most sought-after medical centers. Special Mayo Clinic rates are available that include complimentary shuttle...

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