Hampton Inn Pratt

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Hampton Inn Pratt

1705 Maple Street Pratt, KS 67124 US

  • 1.5 miles from Park Hill Golf and Supper Club
  • 1.2 miles from Vernon Filley Art Museum
  • 0.9 miles from Pratt Chambers
  • 1.2 miles from City Center

Our Hot Tub is closed until October 15 2018. Thank you for your patience and understanding. nDiscover Pratt with ease when you stay at Hampton Inn Pratt. The hotel is set across from Pratt Community College and 1.2 miles from historic downtown Pratt. Enjoy close proximity to local business and attractions including Pratt Historical Museum Lemon Park Green Sports Complex KDWP Nature Education Center Barron Theater and the B-29 All Veterans Memorial. Our hotel in Pratt features a 117-acre parking plus ball fields nature parks and plenty of picnic tables.nReceive a warm welcome and make yourself at home in a...

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