Hampton Inn Moab

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Hampton Inn Moab

488 North Main Street Moab, UT 84532 US

  • 1 miles from Tag-A-Long Adventures
  • 2 miles from Gravel Pit Lanes
  • 3 miles from Slickrock Bike Trail
  • 1 miles from City Center
  • 12 miles from Canyonlands National Park
  • 3 miles from Arches National Park

Moab was founded in the late 1800's and has become known world wide as a top vacation destination for adventure seeking travelers. Moab's setting makes it a great place for travelers around the world, featuring the Delicate Arch and some of the finest mountain biking, white water rafting and hiking in the nation. Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Colorado River, legendary Slickrock Trail and millions of acres of off road trails offer a diverse amount of activities for visitors of all ages. Moab's climate make it an ideal area for year round activities. Located on Main Street in beautiful...

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