Holiday Inn Express & Suites CARYVILLE

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Holiday Inn Express & Suites CARYVILLE

154 John McGhee Boulevard Caryville, TN 37714 US

  • 0.5 miles from Cove Lake State Park
  • 15 miles from The Chimney Skywalk at McCloud Mountain
  • 25 miles from American Museum of Science and Energy
  • 10 miles from Museum of Appalachia

Breathtaking mountain views in Caryville, TN! The Holiday Inn Express & Suites Caryville, TN is conveniently located along I-75 at exit 134 just north of Knoxville. The hotel is an easy drive to Cove Lake State Park, McCloud Mountain, Rocky Top, LaFollette, and Jacksboro plus shopping, dining and restaurants. Don’t miss Tennessee attractions nearby including Norris Lake State Park, Museum of Applachia, American Museum of Science & Energy, the University of Tennessee, and Neyland Stadium.Whether you are fishing on Norris Lake, boating at Cove Lake State Park, four wheeling at Ride Royal Blue, hiking the Cumberland Mountains, or just looking...

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