Quality Inn Andalusia
1311 Martin Luther King Express Andalusia, AL 36420 US
- 2 miles from Old Railroad Museum
- 5 miles from Point A Gantt Lake
- 3 miles from War Championship Dominoes Tn
- 2 miles from Covington Mall
- 15 miles from Rattlesnake Rodeo
Get more for your money at the Quality Inn hotel in Andalusia, AL, near LBW Community College. Your travel budget will go further when you take advantage of our full-service amenities, like access to copy and fax machines, our on-site restaurant, free daily hot breakfast, coffee and weekday newspapers. Laundry facilities also are available. Guestrooms feature refrigerators, microwaves, irons, ironing boards, hair dryers, coffee makers and TVs. Select rooms have a hot tubs, and suites are available, too. Also, earn rewards including free nights and gift cards with our Choice Privileges Rewards program.